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Produced water, a byproduct of crude oil production, contains various contaminants including oil, organics, and chemicals. Treating produced water requires specialized equipment to remove these contaminants before it can be reused on site, reducing water consumption and eliminating the need for additional water delivery.



Produced water that has been treated can be used to stimulate oil and gas reservoirs, to increase production and for other oil field operations. It can also be used for fire control, power generation, vehicle and equipment washing and even non-edible crop irrigation. Addressing the application starting point and desired end use, Everfilt® can assist with building a treatment system designed for your specific project.


Underground mine water is pumped from the deepest point of the mine, up to a holding pond or storage tank and can also be done using multiple pumps through stages of the mine. Doing so, allows the operator enough space to work in a dry environment. Water is then pulled from the pond or storage tank and processed through Everfilt® water filtration systems to desired filtration levels, all while eliminating water consumption.

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Produced water contains soluble and non-soluble oil/organics, suspended solids, dissolved solids and various chemicals used in the production process. This material generated is in fact contaminated and requires treatment prior to being able to recycle and reuse on additional site processes. Treating produced water varies in temperature and TSS and most commonly used after large DAF systems as a polishing filter, ensuring majority of contaminants are removed reduces consumption and eliminates having to pump or truck in additional water.


Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) has been a standard for removing soluble hydrocarbons from wastewater by adsorption. Effective and low cost operation is proven, making the Everfilt® (A) and (C) Series product line a staple in the industry. Hydrocarbons are very important for the modern economy and are responsible for more than 80% of global energy consumption.

Drilling and fracking wells produce water along with the natural gas. Some of this water is returned fracture fluid and some is natural formation water. The actual water production of a particular well depends on the well location, producing formation and the age of the well. Examining and addressing each application prior to reuse, is critical and if done correctly, can be very effective. Establishing a starting point and desired goal can save time and labor down the road and provide less waste and water consumption.

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