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Supporting the San Bernardino County Fire Department Through Care Packages

Everfilt Shows Support For the Brave Firefighters Out of San Bernardino County

Everfilt® wanted to show its support by putting together some care packages for the San Bernardino County Fire Dept., and dropping them off at the Division HQ this morning, to be passed out amongst some stations that could use some love. It was a great way to show we care and appreciate what they are doing for all communities across the county, and California. These fires are raging all over and these men and women are facing insurmountable odds to keep us safe.

CEO, Donny Tolson helping put together care
packages for the San Bernardino County Fire Dept.

The morning visit was very somber and quiet, with limited accessibility due to covid concerns and unavailability of firefighters currently out on service. A reminder that it's taking every single one of them to fight these fires and they aren't getting any rest. Their service does not go unnoticed and we thank them for all they do. Care packages may seem small to some, but every little bit helps and if we can make a group of firefighters smile and feel appreciated for all they do, then that's all we can ask for. We hope the contribution of some needed goods can go a long way in keeping morale high for them.

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