Beer is a timeless pleasure and the process of brewing beer has become a tradition passed down for generations. Brewing beer commercially and at home as a craft brew specialty has become popular world-wide. The process is almost a right-of-passage for some enthusiasts and we acknowledge the demand for processes and equipment that can provide the cleanest, freshest and most complete level of beer brewing. The filtration process is important and the water purity is essential to the taste and appeal of your beer.
Beyond simply the quality of beer you can produce with the right filtration process, the benefit and demand to reduce waste, wastewater and meeting your city/state regulations for proper disposal procedures, is essential for business. Ensuring your brewery is performing to standard and even exceeding that standard is critical for meeting the demands of customers and producing the highest-quality product you can. After all, if you're not proud of what you're producing, then what's the point?
SMS-Series Screen Filters - Constructed from the highest-quality 304 stainless steel and available in 316 stainless steel, this powerhouse system is a must for meeting the demands of brewery production. It is effective in managing supply water and process water, while also removing any organic and inorganic materials from the water. The SMS-Series Screen Filters can also come equipped with 50, 75, 100, 125, 150 and 200 mesh options to screen for the smallest particle sizes and with no moving parts and no needed power sources (for manual backwash units). The SMS-Series Screen Filters are made to produce year-after-year.
SSM-Series Sand Media Filters (stainless steel) - Our pride and joy for over 40-years, this stainless steel sand media filter removes suspended solids down to 40 microns, with a silica sand and gravel media bed. It's a prominent fixture in many industries needing filtration systems for various purposes. Equipped with auto-backwashing, provides an easy-to-use and effective solution for customers and flow rates ranging from 25 GPM - 5000 GPM.
A-Series Granular Activated Carbon Filters - Activated carbon is known for its powerful filtering prowess and Everfilt has taken it to the next level with combining it with our top-of-the-line Multi-Media Filtration Systems. Activated carbon works by adsorbing natural organic compounds, taste, odor and synthetic organic chemicals that are commonly found in your water. Keeping your business in regulation and preventing any costly fees associated with not being up to regulation can be detrimental to your business. See What is Activated Carbon? and Activated Carbon Performance & Effectiveness for more info.
LHS-Series Dewatering Screen Filters - These filters are constructed from 304 stainless steel and contain no moving parts or power requirements, all ideal for a busy and production heavy brewery. Used mostly in dewatering or removal of high-volumes of solids, inorganic and organic materials form source water. Variable sizes and mesh options help make the LHS-Series a system that can fit anywhere and meet the demands of the brewing process at optimum levels.
To discuss more information regarding Everfilt® Water Filtration Systems, talk with an Everfilt® Applications Engineer: 1.800.360.8380 /