Case History
Industry: Automobile Manufacturer
Requirement: Remove suspended solids to 15 microns from cooling tower water.
Flow Range: 750 GPM
Special Factors: Consistent 750 GPM
flow required ,even during filter backwash; line pressurization is not adequate downstream of filter.
Solution: A CTS-Series Cooling Tower Filter, model CTS48-3A, automatic cooling tower filter system consisting of three (3) 48" diameter pressure filters and a 480 volt, 3 phase TEFC pump with starter and automatic controls. System is skid-mounted and valved to draw backwash water from a domestic water line. A pressure sustaining valve maintains adequate pressure on the discharge line.
To discuss more information regarding Everfilt® Water Filtration Systems, talk with an Everfilt® Applications Engineer: 1.800.360.8380 /