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Craft sake and sake distilleries depend on pure water for the production of premium sake. Everfilt® offers specialized filtration solutions tailored to protect equipment

and maintain water quality

Craft Sake & Sake Distilleries Image by Leon Gao

Water filtration is critical in the production of craft sake, affecting the quality, taste, and consistency of the final product.  Here's how:



  • Removal of Contaminants: Filtration removes contaminants like chlorine, heavy metals, pesticides, and organic compounds that can negatively impact flavor and aroma.

  • Improving Taste: Pure water without off-flavors or odors allows the true character of the sake to shine, contributing to a cleaner, more refined taste.

Uniform mineral content is crucial for producing sake with consistent flavor and quality across different batches. Consistent water quality also helps maintain a predictable fermentation process, leading to uniformity in the final product.

The quality of water affects the growth and activity of koji mold, essential for converting rice starches into fermentable sugars. Filtered water provides an optimal environment for koji, supporting efficient saccharification. Additionally, yeast health and activity are critical in the fermentation process. Filtered water ensures an environment conducive to yeast performance, leading to consistent fermentation and alcohol production.

Sterile filtration removes bacteria and other microorganisms that could spoil the fermentation process or cause undesirable flavors in the final product, ensuring a safe and stable sake. Additionally, using filtered water in cleaning and rinsing processes helps maintain a hygienic production environment, further safeguarding the quality of the sake.

craft sake Image by Bundo Kim


Control over minerals like calcium and magnesium influences the flavor profile of sake. Filtration allows precise management of these minerals, aiding in fine-tuning flavor characteristics. Additionally, removing impurities prevents off-flavors, ensuring the sake's intended flavor remains uncompromised.

This meticulous control enhances the overall quality and consistency of the final product, but also elevates the brewing process to produce sake of exceptional taste and refinement.

Post-Fermentation Processing:

  • Dilution: Sake is frequently mixed with water prior to bottling to reach the preferred alcohol level. Employing premium, filtered water guarantees that this dilution process doesn't introduce any undesirable flavors or impurities.

  • Blending & Adjustments: Top-quality water is essential for blending and making any final tweaks to the sake before bottling, ensuring the end product aligns with the desired taste and quality benchmarks.

Regulatory Compliance:

  • Meeting Standards: Sake breweries must comply with strict health and safety regulations concerning water quality. Filtration ensures that the water used in the production process meets these standards, preventing legal issues and ensuring consumer safety.

  • Quality Assurance: Consistent water quality supports overall quality assurance measures, helping to maintain high standards in the production of sake.

Equipment Protection & Longevity:

  • Scale Prevention: Hard water leads to equipment scale, causing inefficiencies and damage. Filtration reduces water hardness, ensuring optimal equipment performance.

  • Corrosion Reduction: Removing corrosive substances from water prolongs equipment lifespan by reducing corrosion, saving repair and replacement costs.

Innovation & Customization:

Efficient water filtration in sake breweries reduces chemical usage and water wastage, promoting sustainability and cost-efficiency. Filtration ensures sake breweries meet health and safety regulations for water quality, preventing legal issues and maintaining consumer safety standards. By enabling experimentation with water profiles and replication of regional characteristics, filtration systems facilitate the creation of unique sake varieties, essential for craft brewers aiming for market differentiation.

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